Aug 30Liked by The Soul Driven Collective

I was really excited to get to this podcast today. I always like to channel my own forecast before seeing what comes through for Ahna. This month did not disappoint!

•In Ahna's forecast, I repeatedly was hearing about the concept of wind. I also had some themes of wind come up:

"Winds change things, but they also wrap you in a warm embrace. They cover the curves of your body. They flow through the nooks and crannies. Wind touches every space. And with that touch, and with that breath, it wipes off and cleans. And when it leaves and everything is in an uproar and everything is a mess: You have no choice but to start anew." More of that theme of old things leaving and new things starting.

• The idea of change and seeing things in a new light: "The month of September is one that will change your direction. One that will insist on another way of doing things. One that brightens your smile and puts pep back in your step. One that helps you envision a different future. One that you’ve been waiting on for some time and now it is here to inspire you to try new things and develop in new ways. Once you were afraid of these new tasks and now you will welcome with open arms.

This is something that has been brewing, developing for some time. It is one time in your life that you will gladly do things afraid, for if there wasn’t anything done in fear, nothing new would sprout and we say this not to scare you but to uplift you for what is to come down the road down- the path of that which you did not see coming- and we will be by your side and you will know this from our many signs that we will divulge to you. And once you take that first step, that first leap, you will hit the ground running and you will say, why I feel so much lighter. I feel joy. I feel like this was meant to be and you will see what we have been pumping you up for. You have ben putting in the work and of this we are so proud. You will see things that have always been there that you have been blind to and now you will see there is so much opportunity all around you. Your eyes have opened." (This also reminds me of how my guides showed me Rose of Sharon shrubs all around places I always walk, yet had not seen for years)

• And also the idea of song: "you will be grateful and singing songs and smiling from ear to ear and you will be feeling so light -light like the air that surrounds you and hugs you and lifts your feet off the ground with a new passion, a new mission."

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Beautiful, Jennifer! What would you say is your overall personal theme for the month?

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Aug 30Liked by The Soul Driven Collective


Change that shifts things to feel lighter. Change for the better.

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A Beautiful Awakening 🙌🏽

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