Sep 2Liked by The Soul Driven Collective

Thank you for asking this great question and providing a prompt for my meditation this morning Ahna!

My meditation on my WHY:

I was in a hallway of doors, at the very end was divine light. As I walked to reach it the ground became steeper and steeper until I slipped and slid back down. I’m trying to jump ahead, to rush forward. To my left I see light coming from a door and I open it. A playful cloud is there and it urges me to hop on. I grab reigns and he is off, flying up and down making me giggle and laugh. It was a reminder to play and learn how to relax. To not be so serious. He took me to a road. The cloud stayed there as I walked down. The landscape started off beautiful but then suddenly it became windy and the ground was rocky, uneven, and difficult to walk on. Then the road ended and there was a large drop off. In the distance I can see the other side of the road. I looked for tools to create a way to cross it, but there was nothing. Suddenly my guides lifted me up and took me to the other side. I looked back and could barely see where I came from. Then I was in a beautiful valley (where I come often in meditations/visualizations) and walk to a house where my higher self lives. All of my past lives were there. They told me connection/love is my main mission, as well as helping others to learn to connect and love as well. To help people shed their trauma to be able to make the leap of allowing themselves to love others, and themselves. They united as one large form which turned into a ball of light pink light and they dropped me back off to the cloud. The cloud brought me back to the original door and I walked out. The cloud said, and don’t forget to play and have fun along the way.

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Oh wow, Liz — I love this so much and how fitting with what I know about your path 🙌🏽 I’m glad you took the time to get clarity on your WHY and couldn’t help but giggle at the cute little cloud. Love is so needed in the world right now, I’m beyond grateful that we have you. Thank you for sharing!

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